Thursday, October 18, 2012

Truth fears no questions

Ah election year…breathe it in…can’t you just soak in the sweet aroma of politics in the air...cough, gag, cough, cough…yea, that’s about how I feel too. This year, it has become blatantly clear to me the massive servings of bullshit I am being fed every time I look at the TV, turn on the radio, or(God forbid) actually try to get a non-biased source of information to help me figure out what the hell is going on in this crazy world. As I flip through the channels, I get a completely different story or representation of the same event. I would certainly consider myself a liberal person based on my ideals, but I can’t even watch that shit on TV anymore because I KNOW that they are just trying to SELL ME on something…trying to sell me on an idea…THEIR idea. You would be a FOOL, a straight up liberal or conservative FOOL, to think that “your” media source isn’t doing the same thing to you. Im scared to even look for information on the internet because now, based on my recent searches, my results will be altered. So, because I was interested in looking into some conservative ideals in order to be an informed individual, all that comes up is conservative media sources…and believe me, it doesn’t get much more terrifying than that!

So, given the fact that I cant find a news/information source that I can trust to tell me real, honest, non-biased facts, this year I choose to vote based on only things that I, Lisa Summers Smoot, know and believe. I refuse to base my choice on anything that anyone has told me.  My choice is based only on things that I believe, and my vote will go to the candidate whose plan seems to be most in line with MY beliefs. I refuse to be fooled on behalf of anyone else’s agenda.

I believe in the core of my heart that the most important thing that our country can do to help the economy, to decrease crime, to decrease healthcare costs, and to maximize our great potential is to provide EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to ALL of our citizens. Equal opportunity to good education, equal opportunity to preventative health care, equal opportunity to employment, and equal opportunity to pursue our own happiness. If we are honest with ourselves, we know that this just isn’t happening right now. Where you are born and who you are born to will either make or break you. You cant possibly drive through any inner city of our country without being acutely aware that there is a group of people who simply do not have access to these basic opportunities. There is not one person who has succeeded in this country completely on their own. Yes you need to work hard, yes you need to make sacrifices, yes you need to make good choices for yourself; but without these basic opportunities, you will not be able to succeed. One also MUST consider the psychological effect that being born into poverty, violence, and or addiction would have on ANY human being. These situations ultimately lead to desperation and despair (and often time come full circle right back to poverty, violence, and addiction), unless one is provided with an opportunity to succeed. I don’t believe that anyone needs saving, or needs a handout. I believe that if we were all actually treated as equals, we would all succeed, and our country would flourish by capitalizing on the talents of all of our cultures combined. One culture should not have to conform to another in order to “make it” in America. We each have something incredible to offer…if only we all had the great opportunity to be able to see what it is we each have to offer.

I do not expect, nor am I even trying to change anyone’s opinion with this blog. This is just an outlet for me to express my opinions. Please don’t be fooled by the garbage they are trying to sell you on TV. Open your eyes and form your OWN opinion based on REALITY, not on contradicting independent studies, contradicting statistics, and contradicting politicians. Seriously, if each “side” is claiming completely opposite things to be the truth, SOMEONE IS LYING TO YOU! There cannot be two interpretations of truth and fact. Time to step back and figure out what YOU really think is happening here. Time to think larger than your community, your job, your race, your gender, your party, your candidate…look around and be honest with yourself about what is happening around you and how we can make it better. Turn off MSNBC. Please, for the love of God turn off FOX News. What do YOU think?? Do you really think that people choose to be poor, that people choose to be addicts? Do you think that, if given another viable and lucrative choice and opportunity, people would really choose to be drug dealers and criminals? Come on now… Do you think that maybe lower income populations might have a lower incidence of diabetes and heart disease, and be less of a “drain” on our healthcare system, if they actually had access to healthy and affordable food? Think about the last time you saw an organic store in the poor part of town. Matter of fact, think about the last time you’ve actually been in the poor part of town…maybe its time to turn off the TV and see for your own eyes what’s happening. Who do you trust more, the douchebag on TV trying to sell you a candidate, or yourself? Everybody claims that they’re not racist…okay…then go have a conversation about the state of this nation with someone who is not of your race, not of your socioeconomic status, not of your gender, not of your party, and out of your comfort zone. I challenge you to do this. Matter of fact, I dare you too…I double dog dare you. Stop worring about your husband’s political views, your wife’s opinion, the stuff you hear your parents talking about all the time…what do YOU THINK??

Our parents grew up in different times than we did. Do you really think that in this day and age it is possible to “pull yourself up by your boot straps” without a college degree? Do you really think that just “getting a job at McDonalds” is going to get somebody out of poverty? Come on now… how much is YOUR rent, cause we all know that McDonalds salary just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Really try to put yourself in someone else’s situation, THEN make form your opinion. And if you feel like the troubles of the other folks in this country aren’t your problem, hey, that’s you…let me know how that works out for ya…but trust and know that you would NOT be where you are now unless someone helped you get there. Do you deserve to enjoy the money you worked hard for? Hell yes! Just like you deserved to opportunity to have that job that you get to work at! Everyone should be so lucky! Anyone who knows me knows that I work my ASS off for the money I get, and I deserve to be able to spend every cent of it, but I would be MORE than willing to shave some dollars off my paycheck so that I don’t have to witness the devastation of young black people in Baltimore City every day. Yea, I said it…what, you don’t think race has something to do with it? Okay, keep telling yourself that…

I sincerely appreciate anyone who made it all the way through this blog. Thank you for respecting my opinion enough to read this. I remain hopeful for a better country for my children and I believe that it begins with honest conversation. I have faith in the ideals of compassion and love… Thank you.

Always... in all ways...


1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said Lisa. I couldn't agree with you more but you already know that. I'm just glad you said it. I love you!!
